Friday, March 6, 2009

My Future Best Friend.

I miss my Hi-Bye friends.

I miss my school friends.

I miss my close friends.

But the friend I will miss the most is my future best friend.

My future best friend is...

Chowie Chowie or Chowie Squared*

I really want to get a petdog. Despite the fact that he/she is super adorable and chubby, he/she is the companionship that I have always dreamt of.

He/she will be the first who greet me when I get home.

He/she will never leave me no matter what. If that happens, is never because of lack of love.

He/she will always be the first one who notice that I'm upset.

He/she will be the only person* I miss whenever I am away from home.

He/she will never fail to make me smile at any point of time.

**The reason why I put he/she cos I havent decided to get a dog or a bitch. Hehe...


Leonard said...

U should go watch Marley and I

its an amazing movie

Mayz said...

You must have watched Marley & Me? Thus the sudden increase in want-to-get-a-dog??

Well, do go get and be a responsible pet owner! You'll really fall in love with them even if they are as 'cheeky' as Marley.

I cried non-stop when watching the movie 'coz it reminds me so much of my dogs (current dog and the ones i used to have)